♡ Description ♡
Before our world was born, the seven Cybertronian gods created 7 items, each being an extension of their powers. We now know these items as the relics and the weapons that could take down any enemy.
just like every world, many had greed in their spark, leaving them like mindless zombies as they went after the relics for their own agenda. Soon war broke out and with no other choice, the 7 sent the relics far through the Galaxy, untill they reached a planet called earth, where they planted themselves far underneath the surface.
Even after the relics were gone, war raged on, leaving the 7 with no other choice but to combine their powers to create a relic that could stop war before it even started. A relic that combined each of their powers into one.
That's when it all went wrong. Unicron, the dark force that countered light summoned a dark energy from within our planeta core to grow something dark. Black energon. The black energon ate the relic, causing it to lock and become black. Soon after, the world fell, leaving the 6 gods dead, and with only one remaining, he combined with the relic to send it far far away.
Now the relic sits in wait. The relic known as the prophecy. ♡☆♡☆♡.