10 parts Ongoing Mature10,000 years...
In 1994, the two Timeless Monarchs came to Earth and changed Humanity forever; now we're 10,000 years in the future. The Monarchs have been gone for 2,000 years. They said we peaked. Unable to live up to their expectations. Humanity has lost their real shepherds, the ones who would guide us into our birthright... A new type of evolution maybe paradise. Without them, humanity has regressed into relatable bad habits, ones born from the weakness in our ancestor's DNA, the same DNA that kept us alive and allowed us to survive.
They taught us...
Space travel that extends to our entire Galaxy.
The ability to touch the algorithm that binds our universe together; Medicine advancements that turn almost every injury into something trivial with drugs and cybernetic implants. Death of not knowing where we fit into the universe, the hierarchy, our place in the cosmos.
Even with all that, the story follows Astora Vermillion, a young woman with a Blazing Blade, unruly sarcasm, and a closet full of bulletproof jackets. Astora is trying to navigate a humanity that has learned to become more evil than kind in 10,000 years.
In this story, A-stor-a's connection to the Algorithms of the universe will change everything for everyone... even humanities shepherds.
Some might say...
She's heard this all before...