REINA VASQUES Who am I. Just another lost soul wandering this earth. Struggling like any other person. Wearing baggy clothes and long sleeve shirts to hide the bruises. I never knew life would be this way for me but I guess no one ever does. ------------------------------------ BENITO BLANCHI A fierce spirit he was. Dulled by the orders of his father. The boss. Life is dangerous like this. Always looking behind your back, never getting to close to anybody. It's a lonely life but for the family he would do anything no he had to do anything to ensure their survival. Life was tough but so was he. ------------------------------------ Pulled together by a twist of fate Reina Vasquez and Benito Blanchi are both empty souls wandering the earth. Both broken in their own way. With gang violence, crazy exes and danger around every corner will they get through it or get lost in the turmoil of the mafia?All Rights Reserved