Well here goes nothing. Senior year is here and it's time to man up and ask the love of my life, Ryan, to go out with me. I mean whats the worst thing that could happen? He'll say no and ill be humiliated in front of the whole school. Thats a likely scenario. Then i'll buy an unhealthy amount of cats and die alone! Ok I need to think this through.
My best friend Jess and Axel can help me through my unhealthy cat addiction if he says no right? Or will my horrible uncleaned litter box smell drive them away? No! don't think like that Cat! Your friends are better than that! They'll say: get these cats out of your house cat! Hey my names Cat and i'm probably going to have a bunch of cats! Must be destiny.
Well at least Jess can prevent this from happening. She is the only person who knows about this whole Ryan stalking thing. Axel doesn't know because he's a bit over protective and would probably beat up Ryan and have his football team as back up.
Then my chances with Ryan would be ruined!