Noises of bugs, the infected growling, moaning, and then sometimes silence is all I'm able to hear at different times and throughout the rest of the day depending on where I'm located at. Especially now that the world has gone down hill 'n shit all thanks to our government, because of them they 'wanted' to make a cure for all illnesses in the world. Turns out the they fucking lied it started turning people in these walking corpses, there even classes that are dedicated to differentiate each of them, there is about eleven classes, you have the hunters, the boomers, the smokers, the tanks, the chargers, the jockeys, the spitters, the witches, these types are classed as special infected. The common infected, the uncommon infected, and the screamers, these don't really have a class to them other then assholes as I like to call them. Welcome to the world of the undead.All Rights Reserved
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