In Blind Symmetry, Akane Kagawa is a talented, blindfolded meister wielding twin sais, Kyo and Kyoto Osaka, as weapons. She has returned to Death City after traveling for the past five years collecting tainted souls.
Unfortunately, her return is not a happy occasion. She is tracking a man turned Kishin Egg that is closing in on becoming the second Kishin, presumably hiding in Death City. Akane aims to destroy the man but her connection to him may be too much for her to overcome. After a rough meeting with the DWMA students, they join her cause to eliminate him but trouble soon arises. When Lord Death's son starts to fall for her she finds her commitment issues pushing him away.
She has to tear down her walls and allow someone to see her for who she truly is or forever be a lone wolf. She has to fight the only person she has a blood tie with and finish what she started the day she decided to hunt him down.
Is she strong enough to destroy the only family she has left?
Author: Noir