Shri. Govindlal Vora was a charismatic journalist who needed no introduction when it comes to the field of journalism. He was respected by all the Prime Minsters of India right from Shri Jawaharlal Nehru to Current Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. He had a special status in the field of Journalism in India and out countries. Shri. Govindlal Vora has taken part in many International Seminars with top ranking Politicians and Businessmen as Journalist and had done reporting of them which was appreciated nationwide and worldwide . Shri. Govindlal Vora was not only a know face in India but also known for is Journalism worldwide he was known for for his Dynamic reporting. At the time of his London visit then Prime Minister of London Margaret Treacher had met Shri.Govindlal Vora to know about the in-depth detail on journalism he has met leaders throughout the world and has done discussion on Journalism. As a reporter his last abroad trip was with Ex.Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh to America where he had met then President Of America Barak Obama and the meeting was Historic for both India as well as America. During the Indo-China war Shri. Govindlal Vora Gave a cheque to the First Prime Minister of India Shri. Jawaharlal Nehru for the development of the country and at that time Shri. Jawaharlal Nehru was speech less and had was filled with emotions. The Dedication of Shri. Govindlal Vora was so much that he would personally monitor the printing of the newspapers as you can see in the above images .Shri. Govindlal Vora had done innumerous reporting's in his Journalism Career and took Indian Journalism to new heights and took india on world stage. In the Images you can see Shri. Govindlal Vora in different countries were he had gone to attend different Seminars and Played an important role as a journalist.Todos los derechos reservados