It's Gonna Be Love; Two strangers meet upon eachother randomly, little do they know, they were two lost souls that came together at the end. Dean Ambrose is the type of guy who finds it hard to fall in love. Is he faithful? Maybe, but when he comes across new student, Kim; he is forced to go to formal with her by Roman, but little does he know when he finds out more about Kim, he starts to fall for her, but will it be to late for Kim? For him? Will she make it out with him, or will she leave him hurt in a heartbreak?
Seth Rollins is a shy and innocent guy, who doesn't attach to anyone other than his family and friends. He is caring, but he is not ready to show it to others for the fear of them attacking him. He is hard to believe other boys even if he has a brother and it's all because of his past. He doesn't want to hold by someone with insecurity in his body.
Will his mind change when Dean Ambrose enters his life?