Three letters from three unknown characters, detailing their struggles with depression, anxiety, memory loss, understand life and its meaning and their significance to the people around them. In each of the letters, recording the last moments of their lives and the reasons for their actions.
Suicide is a very serious subject. I invite whoever reads this three stories to understand that as a person who has struggle with suicidal thoughts, I wish this three letters help raise awareness of what a person struggling with depression, loneliness and despair goes through when they are alone, fighting the battle with mental health on their own. In my case, a healthy net of friends and family and their love help me through the hard times and counting on their support was vital to my overall experience. The letters are inspired on my own experiences and close friends of mine with depression and suicidal thoughts. Remember to always love and never forget to give that love to the ones around you. Depression is a silent, but deadly enemy, so always stay in contact with those you care about and hold dear to your life.
Bienvenidos todos a estas pequeñas historias, empezando de nuevo :D
Si quieres realizar algun pedido, pasa por mi perfil a ver el tercer libro <3
Así que puedes disfrutar mientras tanto las historias que tengo ahora, puedes leer las aclaraciones o las etiquetas para saber que anime o de que escribo.
Gracias <3!
Créditos a quien corresponda por todos los personajes utilizados, a excepción de _______.