NOAH AND DESTINY never really liked each other to begin with.
Destiny thought Noah was too cold and always seemed to stare at her with a cold gaze.
Noah thought Destiny hated him as soon as their eyes met, and he didn't care for her looking back at him in a weird manner.
Neither realized it was a misunderstanding on both parts.
Noah was just curious, and Destiny was simply weirded out.
Noah was always curious about Destiny. It never changed.
Eventually, Destiny was also curious about Noah.
Noah never spoke to anyone, just a glance. Destiny never spoke to the kids because they only made fun of her way of speaking, as she wasn't from the place originally. She tried to cover it up, but it always seemed to slip out.
Destiny never talked to him.
Noah never talked to her.
It was just looks, cold, confused, and curious.
Noah lived in the shadows.
Destiny lived in the light.
Neither expected to end up where they did.
Neither knew what would come.
Now, it's up to them.
"Change your fate before it's too late.
If not, death will come slow, the sound of water flow."
They both got a note saying these words, and didn't believe until they heard someone say them.
An old star-gazer told them both these words, with an old wisdom.
They didn't know they would meet each other.
They didn't know that they would get far too lost to ever find the way back.
They didn't know they would need each other.
The dark must cross into the light,
The light cross into the dark.
That is the only way for them to change their fates.
And boy, they will hate it with a passion before these misunderstandings are addressed.