Alina North lives in a world of monstrosities, caught between the rising tension of the kingdoms: vampires, werewolves, demons, elves, and faeries. The faeries have detached themselves from the rest and groups of werewolves have been vanishing. The demons and vampires have been murdering each other, and the elves have turned down all pleas for help. The Hall of Accords has long since been destroyed by magic, and along with it, the faith in its law. The lands are on the brink of war, no matter how much the rulers struggle to prevent it.
Alina had always been different from the other werewolves, but she's learned to hide it. She doesn't mind her quiet life as a waitress, although everything changes when she attends one of her uncle's parties (for him, the party never stops). It's interrupted by a gang of demons, who mercilessly murder everyone - except Alina. She's swept away, where her secret (unknown to even her) is revealed, and her life takes a sharp turn as she fulfills her role.