Applejack ran through the dark forest in hopes of finding her friend. She jumped over large tree roots that stuck out from underground, ducked under low branches, and avoided large boulders that were in her path.
Then she came to an abrupt stop.
Just twelve feet in front of her was her friend, Rainbow Dash, but something was clearly off as Applejack took careful, quite steps towards her friend. Rainbow had large, cyan wolf ears, with a notch just above the base of her right wolf ear. She had a ruffled, cyan tail with a rainbow tip, and she was hunched over on all fours...making both growling and whimpering sounds, as if she was in pain or something.
Applejack began to worry and shake, she was alone, the rest of the mane six having went in separate directions to find their lost friend, and was in a dark forest with some creature.
*I do not own My Little Pony or the characters nor any pictures that are used throughout this story*
Halfway through typing out her response to the text message she'd just received, the purple haired woman fully runs into someone, sending both of them stumbling back, recoiling from the collision.
Rarity looks up with a scowl of sorts, fully ready to tell someone off when-
"I'm so sorry, Ma'am-"
That voice.
If Rarity hadn't seen the individual's face, there was a big chance she'd never have recognized the voice. The majority of the accent was gone, but Rarity could still make out the voice of-
the one where applejack has to deal with the repercussions of leaving her hometown seven years ago.
(art on cover by tcn tanacha)