I'm Lucy Downey. I'm nineteen soon to be twenty and I'm the daughter of Robert Downey Jr. When I was fifteen I was run over by a drunk driver and I had cuts and broken bones I was also in a coma for two months when I woke my favourite cover from a band that I love was playing it was a cover of Bruno Mars just the way you are by the band Gentri. I have scares over my right arm when I turned eighteen I had my scars on my right arm covered up with a tattoo of a wolf. For my nineteenth birthday my father got me tickets to San Diego Comic Con for five days also for those five days I get to hang out with the cast of my favourite show Teen Wolf. What happens when I meet Ian Bohen and we end up falling in love with each other and we start dating. What will my father think will he try and split us up only time will tell. I have a twin brother his name is Chase Downey and he's a soldier in the US army and he's currently stationed in Kuwait.All Rights Reserved