In which a girl and a boy hate each other and move out of their dorm, and got moved to the same building so they still ended up becoming dorm mates. 'Sneak Peak' "You f*** nearly every girl you see, but if I kiss one guy, you throw a fit! We're not even together!" I slam him against the wall. I'm angry, I'm panting and I'm taking it all out on his body. He's silent, but I'm ready for a fight. My body is tense and shaking. My body, my own choices, he doesn't own me and he's about to have that beaten against his forehead. I don't expect the silence that blankets the room. Being near him normally diffuses me and if he's not going to fight back, I'm going to leave before I give in. "We could be," he whispers. It's almost lost to the sound of my pounding heart, but I know what I heard. I'm at a loss of words now my arms dropping to my sides. I was ready for a fight, him scoffing at me, maybe even a few harsh words tossed my way, but all I am left with is my world upside down. Credits to @thebreakfastclub