We had all expected it to happen at some point. We'd watched enough films to understand that life would change. We just didn't expect it to be our generation that would see it. It was a normal day, as it always is. People were rushing round, getting on with their lives, and i was behind a counter, serving an annoying customer who was seriously testing my patience. I'd heard on the news that morning of a dangerous outbreak, something which was 'confidential' and 'dangerous'. But we all know what the media's like. They're always exaggerating shit. I wish i'd listened to them now. Everything seemed to be moving quickly, so quick i couldn't really understand what was happening. All i knew was that one minute i was arguing with a customer over an ice cream, the next i was fighting said customer off me, who was clearly more infatuated with my flesh than that stupid ice cream. I remember the screams of pain as others were being attacked around me, the sounds of trays, tables and chairs being thrown around, smashing around the shop. I just don't remember how it started. I remember my attacker being pulled off of me, and the sound of a loud crash as my saviour threw her into the fries station head first. But i also remember my saviour being pulled by another, a man who looked like he'd seen better days, and having his arm ripped to pieces by the teeth of this petrifying man, falling limp by my feet. That was all i remembered before feeling a searing pain in my skull. Before i saw nothing.