A blonde haired girl named Lucy Heartfilia, is a freshman at Fairy Tail High. One day, she accidentally bumps into a boy. She calls him cute and apologizes and runs home. The next day, she meets that SAME boy!! And his name is Natsu. No last name. Just Natsu. So she decides to give him the name 'Dragneel'. Soon she realizes that she falls in love with her friend. They soon go out on a date and seal their relationship with a kiss. Until, when Natsu graduates, he goes to a university and meets this girl named Lisanna Strauss. She likes him as a crush. But he likes her as a friend. Please Read this and find out what's going to happen between them.
Anti-Lisanna and Anti-NaLi fanfic. But mebbe 'SOME' Nali momentos for those NALI fans. Okay. Bye. Enjoy. -Fanta