"What's the point of life if you don't have a wish in mind? It's like you are standing in a field with no single road in sight."
I always think why do I end up myself in a situation that seem to be so surreal. First, I was minding my business to get the things I need in my list, then I bumped onto someone who managed to lose his favorite treat. Until I become an assistant of this so-called "magical" wish granter as a way to pay for my sins.
Great... just great, I felt like I'm a babysitter which he burden me with a task to look after eight men who were having amnesia as a way to get through a wish that they desired in mind. They forgot every single detailed thing about themselves except a name and their nationality. Suprisingly, their skills never seen to diminish by the effects of amnesia.
Can't help but wondered about these men, what is their wish that cause them to have amnesia? Are they trying to forget someone or something that made them miserable or probably they are trying to move on through an event that they surely regret in life? In my observations, they seem to be hiding something that I can't explain to myself...
And surely... that wish granter knew it from the start, I guess it's up to me to fulfill his... "duties" and finish the deal.