hoseok is a stripper at a club and yoongi is a depressed psycho.
hoseok was a werewolf while yoongi was a vampire cat hybrid. yoongi had always hated people and.. everyone basically. he just went to nearest club and drank as much as he could. he had a couple of friends, but all they were his "partners in crime" so basically if he needed back up, he would call them to help him kill someone. yoongi was a dangerous man and everyone knew it. hoseok, on the hand, was very energetic and loving. the wolf honestly didn't have any problems except the constant feeling. he had this job mostly because it helped him when he was stressed, but he couldn't deny enjoying sex.
the two met one day, yoongi's odd full jet black outfit catching hoseok's attention, while what made yoongi so interested in the younger was the fact he didn't dress like any man really would. he liked how the wolf didn't seem to care.
during that same day they met at the club after yoongi stayed staring at him the entire time, but seemingly made no moves, which made hoseok go over to him.
enjoy reading :)
You are my new bff can you right something like that to help me write my ff😂
i can lmao
ok can you start
yoongi was casually strolling down the street, his gun and knife safely tucked in in specific places on his belt, which had a thin chain attached to it. he had a hood on his head which had a pair of ears, once of which had two piercings on it. his coat over top of the hoodie he was wearing was long, flowing behind him from the wind as he walked, his mask hiding his large fangs as he kept his head low... at some point he passed by an add looking male, his legs just deciding to slow down so he could have more time to stare at the werewolf.
Yoongi and Jungkook go through a whole journey just to discover their past together and realize that Jungkook's family is crazy, Yoongi has weird tastes, Jimin doesn't know what's going on, neither does Tae, Namjoon has his own thing, Jin is tired and Hoseok just wants to help.