Eileen was just a normal girl. She had a normal family, friends, a normal start to her sophomore year, and a summer lover. But on the night of her brothers seventh birthday party, she gets struck by lighting while rescuing him from a pool. A doctor discovered her and let her regain her life, but at the price of becoming a test subject for her new powers that may hurt more than help. Only her parents can know. So, that her secret continues to remain a secret, everyone must presume she's dead. Eileen now goes by Irene, and her and Phoenix are on a journey to save lives and prevent danger. But most of all, Eileen wants to find her way back to her love.
(This is intended to be a six book series and some other books on the side!)
I currently have 16 parts written, 8 parts published, and a prologue, but I guarantee the book will end up being more than 20 parts. It's barely even started. So if you want me to update faster, vote! That will let me know that you want more♡♡