The Roaming Storm is an homage/parody of the multimedia franchise Sonic the Hedgehog. As such, our story begins on Planet Immobi; A wicked, wild world home to anthropomorphic fauna of all forms. Among these "Immobians" are two 19-year-old adventurers. There's Umeme -- a good-sported, impatient, and quick-witted cheetah. Then there's Radi -- a cocky, care-free, and impulsive peregrine. The two are best friends who not only share a brotherly bond, but a need for speed as well. Hence the names (translated in Swahili) these two both inherit the power of electrokinesis. With it, they're able to generate electricity within their bodies in order to perform various tricks and techniques. The most prominent being to move at literal lightning speed. And so, the cheetah and peregrine use that to race across the African continent -- if not beyond -- in search of thrill and danger. Be it open plains, dense jungles, scorching deserts, or etc. etc. -- the two speedsters will certainly be there in a flash. Throughout their adventures, Umeme and Radi will come across various characters -- both friend and foe alike. With their most frequent foes being monstrous entities known as Nightmares. Created from a currently anonymous source, each kind varies from shape and size -- yet shares a common goal to wreak total chaos. While these Nightmares are determined to do so wherever they go, both cheetah and peregrine are determined to stop them in their tracks. So when these two streaks speed by, just know that a storm's bound to be brewing.