I hate Mondays. Some people hate Mondays because they have to wake up early to go to school, or because they didn't finish their assignment, but the reason I hate Mondays is because it was the day my life was destroyed.
Hannah was a normal girl sitting in her normal math class one day when her life suddenly turned upside down. Over the intercom the assistant principle informed everyone they needed to preform a lock down and this was not a drill. But before he could finish, everyone heard gunshots and then nothing. All anyone knew was their was a shooter in the building, and their was no where they could hide.
Everyone with anxiety has ways to cope with it. Whether it be looking to find exits in the room, or attempting to regulate their breathing while they close their eyes, to many other things. But can one of those things possibly be a person that they've never met?
Deziray Jones had severe anxiety that she could only relieve by thinking about or listening to Niall Horan and his music. Everyone knew him as the blonde haired Irish boy in One Direction. But Deziray knew him as a life saver she could only wish she could meet. But when her anxiety had become so terrible, she just had to send him a email explaining to him that her anxiety was suffocating and that she needed help. But only his help. And a little magic seemed to take place when Niall actually reads the email.