Jaime Andrews. Jaime's been living a life of crime and dangerous deals but this is her first time running from it all and now she's got one more secrets to keep and a life no one can ever know about. Jaden Andrews. Jamie's twin brother. Jaden has always tried to be a good son but now that he's lost someone he loved his only job now is to look out for his younger sister and to make sure they never get caught. Felix Preston Andrews. Now that he lost his faithful companion all he's got left are his kids and his promise to always protect them and that's exactly what he intends to do, even if that means forgetting the life he lived before What if someone finds out? That's the question these three ask themselves every. single. day. But they can't spend their days thinking about what they lost, they can't turn their backs on each other now, not after everything they've seen, everything they've been through. She was the glue that kept the three of them together and now that she's gone they're afraid they're going to lose one another. They're only option? Move to Riverdale and try to rebuild the broken pieces of their lives, and there's only one way to do that. By changing their names and never looking back on the lives they lived before. The only thing they have do know is to hang back and make sure they never get caught. Living a new life and forgetting about the one you used to live isn't easy but as time goes one Jamie and Jaden try to trust people they never thought they could. The results could end one of two ways. Love or total and complete heartbreak. If anyone ever finds out about who they used to be it could end with having to start over all over again. So the question is, is love worth sharing everything you can't afford to lose?All Rights Reserved