Seo Eungi loves Maroo but her hatred for him isn't an easy thing to be forgotten. They struggle for a love story. A tragic one which they want to change into a sweet one. Will they get their happiness? Will they hold each other again and against the world? Diclaimer : This is a fan fiction which I made with so many love for CHAEKI Shipper. I remade the ending of NICE GUY since I can't hold my craziness about that drama. xoxo I don't own the characters but I own my love for them. Thank you for everyone in this drama which had done a good job. You got my heart guys and I am sorry for 're-imagining' the ending. ARE YOU READY CHAEKI SHIPPER??? Oh yeah, please says "EUNMAROO" for three times and your memories of episode 16-20 will be gone.All Rights Reserved