poor Shania marian has to go threw a life no one EVER expected, raped, abused, unloved, unimportant, kidnapped, wasn't even half of her life. having to feel like the worse person on earth isn't even the worse of Shania's feelings, and having to have one of her close friends even as sister to start it all... may be a mistake. The one and only Keirra Mary. the one and only to start and end Shania's life. all because of what? friendship.., jealousy, popularity.... and a lot more and the only thing she could say was XOXO-K.M. this isn't like any story you've read, not those love, friendship, fans, bullying, cutting story. this story is a book never experienced before.... and its all based on life don't assume, don't judge.. just read. its a story that may change your life... so we THINK.........................................................................................