'It's tradition!' They said. 'It'll be fun!' They said. Why does he listen to his family? (Part 2 is on the way) ## !!!READ DESCRIPTION THOROUGHLY!!! ## !!!ESPECIALLY THE WARNING!!! If you do not wish the story to be spoiled for you then skip the warning and just read this: If you are against or do not like something that is mentioned or told constantly in this story then please do not write any type of negative/hate comments. Hate comments disguised as 'positive' criticism will be deleted. If you see some type of mistake or you think a paragraph or sentence is written weirdly or could be written better so it will be more enjoyable for others and yourself then please, feel free to point it out. There is an OC of mine called Ivy Kay, the fic is not focused around her, but she is a key element to this happening. I feel like I've dirtied the fic with my OC but I couldn't think of someone who would be able to pull this off, think of it or be old enough to make it 'tradition'. !!!WARNING!!! There is crossdressing in this story. It is not consensual but the character learns to live with it for the night. Crossdressing is not a constant in this story, it is for comidec purposes only. If you cannot comprehend even that, then please leave. This is also an omegaverse fic because there was supposed to be smut but I didn't write any. It's safe except for a few curse words here and there. If there are any questions, feel free to ask. The artist of the cover is wintea.melon over on Instagram. I just put in the text. Thank you to @Thekkfool for pointing it out to me. With that, enjoy.All Rights Reserved