Going through my life, I knew that my life would be different. When I met him, it was only confirmed. I still remember that sad cold aura that surrounded him, that first day I met him. Looking back to that day, I can see how much he impacted the rest of my life.
His lips were close to mine. I felt his hot heavy breathing on my face. His hands at the sides of my face. His crystal eyes, staring straight down at me. His eyes full of an emotion that I had never seen before. He began to bend down. His face coming closer to mine. His lips, inches away.
I closed my eyes, hoping for what I thought would be my first kiss. But what came instead, i never thought I'd feel again. When his lips were only a breath away, he began to laugh. He was laughing.
"You... think, that... I... would actually... Kiss YOU?" he said in between laughs. "Please, you make me sick. You have no sex appeal. And you're not my type..."
My heart hurt. Again for the second time in my life, my heart hurt.
Las votaciones del año 2036 son algo que no me emociona, ya que los candidatos, a mi parecer, no valen la pena, en especial Alejandro Villanueva, aquel chico que se burlaba de mí por mi sobrepeso y al que ahuyenté cuando decidí defenderme. Mi encuentro con él y mi comentario imprudente en la fila para votar es el inicio de una propuesta que no puedo rechazar, así como tampoco puedo negar la profunda atracción y el inmenso deseo entre los dos.
De la noche a la mañana me he vuelto la futura dama y también he descubierto que soy la obsesión del presidente.