9 parts Complete Spencer Reid has a daughter apparently and his world turns upside down. How can he be a good father to his daughter and provide her the best life possible when he works for many hours resulting in being away from his home? And what if she doesn't like him? What if she doesn't want to live with him? These questions are messing with his brain and it is difficult for him to think clear. How is everything going to turn out?
mentioning of dr@g use, depression, anxiety, Self H@rm*, s@icidal thoughts*, ab@se, imprisonment. If you find any of the subjects mentioned above triggering it might be better not to read the story. Otherwise enjoy! I am not that experienced at writing but I tried my best and I hope that you appreciate my efford. Be kind!❤
P.S. *If you have feelings of wanting to h@rm or kl yourself, call Lifeline on 13 11 14. If you think someone's safety is at risk, call triple zero (000) immediately.