Umm, so nobody will probably read this-which is understandable-book, but basically this is just about everything I've been going through for awhile now. I've been dealing with a lot of stuff and even though, I believe, nobody will even read this, I think it's a good idea for me to put out there. It's something that I may look back on and hopefully by then I'm in a better place with my family, life, and my feelings about me. Hopefully by that time im mentally and physically okay with everything. I wouldn't normally post something this personal about me on the internet, but the fact that maybe one or two people will see it makes it feel okay. I feel like I should just get it out there because I haven't talked to anyone about majority of these things going on. I keep it to myself and I think it's best for me to have some way of getting it out. Nobody has to read it, it only matters to me. Hopefully it helps me in the future. I don't know