if you don't know where you're going, grab a compass and hold it to a magnet and watch the needle spin around in tight circles. here is a truth about the universe: your gps is not infallible and once or twice it will tell you to drive into a lake instead of your grandparent's house. you are intelligent enough not to be the first four minutes of a horror movie so you probably don't turn down that one off-road side street that looks like it could out-creep human centipede. here is a truth about the universe: your parents have no idea what the shit they are doing and they're basically just trying to get by with their children in one piece. for proof of this, ask your mother to drive you to your best friend's house and smile when she says, where is that again? even though she's been there literally a hundred times before. here is a truth about the universe: we all take wrong turns sometimes- we go left when we were supposed to go right and it ends up being the best choice we've made our whole lives. maybe you meet a crazy man with great tennis shoes who teaches you about why the bees are going missing and maybe you accidentally run over some blonde chick who turns out to be a great friend. the reality is, my friend, being lost is just an adventure waiting to begin. [ a zakariah oaks stand-alone ] started: 12/12/2020 finished:All Rights Reserved