14 chapitres En cours d'écriture Contenu pour adultesThis is a superhuman society with 80% of us possessing some uncanny ability, city swirled with chaos and confusion following the appearance of these powers and a new profession emerged. We call those who fight for justice and help others in need... heroes. Oh and by the way this is the story of how I became the greate-... Let me in... LET ME IN!!!!!!!!
*visible confusion*
Excuse me but I was in the middle of explaining the description and... Hulk heard this story too many times, now hulk wants to be in spotlight!
Oh don't you worry, you'll get you're time. Even though most of us think its nice to have superpowers, but nobody realizes that it comes with a huge responsibility, some can be really helpful while others can be destructible, harder too control. It's even possible that an outside source can unleash the hidden potential inside of us. Some may say it can be monstrous and-... Hulk knows what u did there, hulk doesn't like that, it makes hulk angry!!!!!!!
Well you said you wanted to be in the spotlight so...
No no nononooo, i was joking... Would you like the finish the description together?
Hmpffff... puny human, hulk knows how to end it. So do i. Let's go on 3 shall we? 1...2...3
Go beyond! HULK SMASH!!!
Disclaimer: I do not own the stories and characters of MARVEL and Boku No Hero Academia