MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria (MLP FiM x Male Pony Reader) (Season 5)
25 parts Complete The magic of friendship continues to grow as (Y/N) and the Mane 6 must take on a brand new task now that they see themselves as Equestria's biggest heroes. They must travel around the entire world tasked by The Cutie Map to seek friendship problems from the Caste of Friendship. They will need to do what they do best and work together to solve any problem that they come across in the lands. However, things get dire when a new pony comes into the mix named Starlight Glimmer, who tries to convince ponies that Cutie Marks cause disharmony. What will the Mane 6 do to figure out all of these new friendship problems?
Twilight Sparkle: You're back once again and you'll give us all of the action needed for this book, Nintega.
The Nintega Guy: Thanks, Twi. However, we're having somebody brand new join this time and it is also somepony you know pretty well as you taught her like Princess Celestia taught you.
Starlight Glimmer: Hey, Twilight.
Twilight Sparkle: Starlight! I'm so glad to see you here.
Starlight Glimmer: Same here. So Nintega, what is going to happen in this book exactly?
The Nintega Guy: Well. . . remember your. . . past?
Starlight Glimmer: *eyes widen before ears drooping* Oh. . . right. . . That.
The Nintega Guy: Don't feel too down, Starlight. It's only for one season.
Twilight Sparkle: Don't worry, Starlight, you may have been bad or you are going to be bad in this fic, but to us you're a friend no matter what.
The Nintega Guy: *wraps arm around Starlight* And my favorite pony to this day.
Starlight Glimmer: *blushes* Aw, thanks you guys.
The Nintega Guy: To make you feel better, why don't you give out the disclaimer?
Disclaimer by Starlight Glimmer: This story is a work of fiction. Nintega does not own MLP: FiM, it is owned by our own creators Hasbro and all content that he uses go to their original creators. Well. . . I guess that's all that I'll say. Enjoy the new book everypony.