Wattpad is home to so many stories - some are terrific, others not so much. But what links them all is the opportunity presented to the author to share their work, to try their hand at creating new worlds, new people, stories, and experiences.
I tried too. I can write essays on the historiography that shaped our memory of the Crusades, I can write a detailed lab report on how to find Planck's constant with a tungsten filament, but creative writing? Nope. Terrible. I get writer's block before I even think about writing.
So I'm doing the next best thing.
There's so many of these on Wattpad, but they truly are helpful. I'm writing a book on all the books on Wattpad that I found amazing in some way.
Use this as a guide to explore new stories, new authors, new writing styles. Be immersed in personalities you've never come across before. Connect with ideas from all over the globe.
This is my humble list of what I believe are the wonders of Wattpad.