It has been over a year since I last saw Zak, a lot has happened in my life since then. I met a guy called Dave, we currently live together. Am I happy?? Yes..but I do quite often think of Zak and reflect on the good times we had. It upset me, but angered me too as I have no idea what I did wrong, for him to walk away and leave me, am I really such a bad person?.. Would I want to see him again? I doubt very much I could handle that emotionally but the odds of that happening are zero to none, as I said I haven't seen or heard from him in over a year.
Anyway I have Dave now. Got a lot to look forward to, my ticket for Paracon UK arrived early this morning, V.I.P too I am so excited for this. I am hoping that someone there may shed some light on my own personal encounters with the paranormal I had, with Charles and everything else that was happening over a year ago.
Anyway, Dave has just walked in with a lovely bottle of wine for me and is offering to pour me a nice large glass so, I said yes. I needed it as I felt physically drained. As I went to take a sip my phone rung. It was Sara, who sounded a little worried.
"Hey Sam", she said. "You're going to Paracon right?"
"Yeah, why?" I replied, seeming a little confused as she knew I was going.
"Umm...some guests have been newly confirmed on twitter", Sara says slowly.
I pause, and surely enough my twitter newsfeed was going crazy. I looked at a few tweets, about to sip my wine and paused. And there I saw it, the guests for paracon...
To Be Continued (Second Book of the Sam & Zak Saga)
After finding out she was pregnant with her second baby by her ex-boyfriend, Rose decides to tell her friends what happened and what her plans were they all packed up a left for Oak Island South Carolina. Shortly after opening her own machinic shop she caughts the watchful and protective eye of the president of a MC called the Angels.
Xavier (Axe) Balck is one of the kindessed men that you could possably meet at least to his town and fellow bikers but to anyone outside the community that's not the case. After driving passed a new machinic shop that opened in town he is quickly caught in the beauty of a light brown haired goddess but little does he know someone already has what is left of her heart.
Will Rose let Axe into her life or will she run him off and keep her and her kids safe from heartbreak.
After having to bartender flirt with me for the last hour I finally gave up and went over to the table where my friends have been sitting with a group of men. "Hey boys I'm goin' head home and check on the little one y'all stay and enjoy your night."
I start to walk away before being grabbed by someone only to turn around and come face to face with the bartender "Oh shit." I heard Cavin whisper. This is going to be fun.
"Can I help you?" I ask pushing his hand away I see Cory and Cavin both stand up ready to help me if needed but I shake my head signaling that I've got this.
"I've been making passes at you all night just for you to ignore me like an ungreatful bitch." he says spitting slightly on my face I see my boys looking deadly but Ionly smirk at them which they return.
"The only ungreatful bitch I see is you if a girl ignores your passes it means she's noy intrested so go back to your bar like a good little boy you are." I say turning around to leave only to have my wrist grabbed again.
Fallow Rose's and Axe's story to see where they end up. Will she let Axe in her and her kids life? Read to find out.