Dear Sir/Madam; You are receiving this to inform you of an upcoming change in your life. Shortly, one child from your future shall arrive to help you and/or someone that you work with. Their job is to change their past for their own benefit. They will work with you in what you do, and I can assure you that every one of these children is talented enough to know how to fight. In most circumstances, this child will have no relation to you. However, there are two specially detailed circumstances in which we are allowing children to meet their own family. The children do not know this, you may reveal it to them if you wish. By now, I am sure, you are wondering who these special circumstances are, and they will be mentioned below: The granddaughter of Howard Stark will arrive in 1943. A child of one of either Pietro Maximoff or Wanda Maximoff will appear in 2015. Take care of them. They will arrive shortly after this letter. Best of luck to you. ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* When a group of teenagers receive a new mission to 'fix the past', what choice do they have but go back in time? Well. They don't have any choice, really. They were only told when they were sent back in time. The plan? To 'fix' deaths of the past, thus allowing some of these teens to grow up with both of their parents. Did every single one of these teens lose a parent? No. But everything - and everyone - needs help if these events are to be altered.All Rights Reserved