Emiko Hanami is a 19 year old Law Student, who lives with her unexcepting mother and loving father. She and her girlfriend, Kalia, have been together for almost three years. They graduated together, going into law school together and now moving into a house together on their own. Kalia Lilo is a 18 year old Law Student who is going to be studying Psychology. Her family is the worst. She use to live with her horrible mother, who says Kalia is a disgrace and a sin. Her father doesn't approve of her choice in love but also doesn't speak to her about it. Her younger sisters, Jordyn, 7, Eden, 12, and Kassier who's 5. They are afflicted by their mothers hate. Kalia now sleeps in the comfort of her girlfriends arms. Brent Lilo is a 16 year old Highschool Badass. He now lives in the guest bedroom of Emi's Family Home. He fights against his mother and her hurtful words. Once he graduates, he will go on to go to Medical School. Then work his way up to a Midwife. When Emiko's Grandmother, Lady died in 2013. Her house was left to Emiko, along with her lifetime earnings. Her mother did not approve to this decision but in Lady's will it stated, "My house, along with my lifetime earnings are to go to my daughters first born daughter." So there was no changing the destiny. Her father believes it was the perfect start to "Emiko's Happily Ever After".