August Alsina
From New Orleans, Louisiana
One Of The Finest Fella's In The Music Industry.
His #1 Hit Single "I Luv This"
Has Plenty Of Tattos, Sexy Smile, With The Cutest Accent.
He Has Actually Been Through A Lot, He Struggled. It's Sad, He Was So Young. 14 Years Old, His Father Passed Away. Age Of 16, Was Kicked Out Of His Mother's Home. 18 Years Old, One Of The Moments That Broke His Heart, Someone Who He Was Really Close To, His Brother Passed Away From Murder. All The HATERZ Know His Name, Not His Story. One Of The Celebs That Speaks His Mind and Doesn't Give Any Fucks.
He Meets A Girl That Almost Has The Same Life Story As Him...
Ryan Leblanc knows a thing or two about having it ruff all of which is left in the past or so she thought before things continue to go up slope for her everything crashes
Her love life is more than hectic all she wants is someone to love her for her every flaw she has although she wears her shit well she wants someone who can help heal her internally instead of seeing her outer shell .. she just wants to feel loved
She doesn't wanna be confused about her life or what to do she wants to be sane she wants to have a sense of peace she wants to have a week where things didn't feel as if her antidepressants were her best friends ..
August Alsina was born in the roughest neighborhood in Nola slanging work at the bright age of sixteen life had different plans for him seven years in the game and it only took four bullets to lay him low .. or so they thought
August didn't know what he wanted his trust was limited he didn't love nobody but money and his mom whom he had a rocky relationship with he felt if she didn't bother to check on him during his time in need why should he with anyone
August knew he needed someone other than her he craved love he just didn't let it show he wore his anger very well even tho his inside persona was falling apart
Can broken heal broken tho ?
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