21 parts Complete MatureIn a world of Neimers devastated by disaster, James Karter (JK), a skilled scavenger, stumbles upon a hidden stash coveted by 'The Syndicate'-a ruthless group controlling the last safe haven. Led by Allen Carson, former corporate leaders who caused the apocalypse, The Syndicate controls food, water, and medicine. As JK learns more about their dark past, he faces tough choices: confront them, expose their secrets, or join for safety. Betrayals and changing alliances force JK to decide how to survive in a world where principles often clash with staying alive. Rosy Charms, caught between loyalty and survival under The Syndicate's grip, becomes a pivotal figure in James Karter's (JK) journey through the brutal wasteland.
Chapters will be released everyday!
Hello my dear readers! Thank you for choosing this as your read up.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated all the names, characters, events and places are my imagination. This story might contain some violent imagery scenes so I'm pointing it before you read.
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