This is a collection of my poetry over the years. . . As life changed through the years, I fought through a world wind of emotions. From happiness, love, pain, rape, and abuse, I recorded my feeling along the way. Trying to put into words what I felt inside. These poems for better or worse, represent how life changed me over the years.
As much as I tried not to let life take my joy away. There is always someone lurking in the shadows ready to take it away. Be cautious, being a good person doesn't mean you allow those around you to abuse you in the name of love.
Love is understanding life is going to throw curve balls, but you and that special someone have each other's back. When one falls, the other picks up the slack while they pick themselves up. It means keeping each other safe, even from yourself. It's about loving someone unconditionally. It's about not giving up on one another, and fighting to not let that person destroy themselves. Love isn't a fairy tail and sometimes it hurts. Most importantly it's finding yourself, and loving who you are, because if you can't love yourself... why should anyone else love you?
I pray you all find peace and love inside. It's the best love, and even better when shared with someone who see you for who you are, and still love you unconditionally.
Find your love, fight for love, but always remember no means no the first time. Anything after that is rape. Consent is not consent if pressured into giving it.