The story is about a teenage boy named Ryuga Tenshi going for an adventure with his friend Tya Araya. They went to find The Zodiac Heroes and learn some fighting skills to fight against The Phantom Lord before he took over the universe. There was a mysterious zodiac hero that the prophecy told. The mystery zodiac called Draco, the Dragon. Only Draco can defeat The Phantom Lord before he took over the universe. Will Ryuga able to achieve his goal to find the Zodiac Heroes? Who will be the missing zodiac? Don't forget to leave a comment if you like👍 it or if you want more. If there any errors, please tell me, I would like to correct it😅. This is my first story on Wattpad. There will be changes from time to time. Also you can give some advice as a beginner. Enjoy!😁All Rights Reserved