1 Parte Concluida Contenido adultoEnter a fantasy world where two opposing gods remain trapped in another dimension, they exist outside the normal timelines of mortal men and are forced to spend their days in an eternal prison for a long forgotten crime. Only a mortal may travel back and forth between the two rifts that connect the god’s worlds and time. Two sects have monopolised access into these rifts, learning that with the control of the rifts comes a great power. An order of warriors and a brotherhood of magicians use them as their training grounds where men can train in their art to the extreme for years, unaffected by time; they can even die inside the rift, returning to life when their body is ejected back out to their world. Think, “Entering a world like ‘Groundhog Day’ but with magic and swords, where you can learn from your mistakes over an infinite time, returning from the gods rifts with superhuman ability.” With their unbeatable talents and finely honed abilities both sects have the world in the palm of their hands, but the magicians want more. Powerful new crystals are discovered in the mines and the brotherhood of magician’s instigate a war to control this valuable resource that can bend the order of warriors to their will, ensuring total control and perhaps even the power to free their god. Discovering that a young lady, Athene, had been conceived inside the war god’s rift the magicians stumble upon her ability - a natural resistance to magic and their hunt for her begins; believing that she has the ability to neutralise the magic that holds their god. As nations fall, a small underground movement lead by a renegade magician work against this threat, aiding Athene to escape the magicians grasp. Helped by, a warrior, a king and a thief they evade the magician’s attempts to capture her, but when the magicians finally resort to unleashing an ancient killer from a forgotten time to track her down, the odds are stacked against her