"What does it say?" "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate." "Latin...what does it mean?" "It means, Abandon all hope, ye who enter here." In this modern recreation of Dante's Inferno, a young teenage boy named Dante Christopher lives in the mountains of Anaheim, California, in a Catholic church with his adoptive father, Father Joseph Max. He's rebellious, and more distant to his religion, which bothers Father Max deeply. One night, they have a heated fight in the chapel, and Dante runs off into the mountains. When he returns, his life is forever changed. Now, he must find a way to enter Hell and get back the souls of those he has lost. He seeks help from a strange woman named Violet, who seems to know more than she should. Together, they must face the nine circles of Hell. But will he arrive in time? Perlious dangers await for the weak. Whether they are dead or alive.All Rights Reserved
1 part