Before the dinosaurs there was a different type of animal The Mythics,The Mythics include of dragons,unicorns,trolls,werewolves,giants,Centaurs,Rass (house size spider,only one in existence) and so much more! There is two types of dragon Pure Dragon and the Horned Dragon. There can also be Giant Werewolves. These creatures were here before the dinosaurs. Werewolves and Centaurs,giants also are the most like human,giants are human except way bigger. A language was made between the three species, Hogbren. They were at peace with each other. They made one community,a big city called Cenorg,in this city there was three sections,one for homes,giants lived in houses like ours except way bigger,Centaurs lived in more comfortable stables,werewolves had the exact same house type as the giants,except scaled down way more. Werewolves owned most shops,Centaurs often were the leader of the town,after all they are the smartest and giants sometimes built,or managed animals. Dragons were often rode into battle,against who you may ask? Well that would be the trolls and they often rode Rass,the giant spider. Unicorns were not part of this war,they were peaceful creatures,they often tried to end the war,not many unicorns exist because the trolls slaughtered them because they thought that they were going to side with the Hogbrens,(citizen of Hogbren) Unicorns are endangered now. Hogbren is in the plains,even spreads out to the hills and the trolls and Rann lived in the mountains. Trolls often used clubs and the others used knifes. War started long ago,nobody knew the true reason they started fighting,all they knew is that they weren't going to stop
In the epic conclusion to the Devil's Deal series, Freya has one final chance to discover the full potential of her own power, and to use it to restore balance in the universe - once and for all. After the destruction caused by Roisin, Ferya and Torix come to terms with their losses and mistakes... And prepare for a final battle that will change everything.