Hiro, Hira, Hiroko, Cody & Diego Were Invited To Hollywood By Penny (This Adventure Took Place Immediately After "Hiro & Hira Meet The Robinsons"), And Since Hiro Still Hasn't Learn To Control His Powers From The Magic Spark Yet, He Got Stuck And He Got Separated From The Gang, Being Left Behind (The Whole Gang Thought Hiro Was Being Quiet Since He's Always "Babbling, Babbling, Babbling" Whenever They Bring Him To Wherever They're Going), He Then Meets Bolt, Ash, Dawn and Brock, And Got His Starter Pokémon, And Caught 2 Pokémons and Got His First Pokémon Egg And Then He Helps Him Reunite With His Owner Penny (Which Hiro Begin To Have a Huge Crush On), They Met a Cat Named Mittens And Then They Met a Guinea Pig Named Rhino, They Made It To Hollywood But Then The Studio Got On Fire, And Its Too Much For Two Piplup's (Dawn's Piplup and Hiro's Piplup) to Take Out. Hiro and the Gang Reunited And Then They Were Taken to the Hospital.
This Is One of The Uncle Spencer Story Arc. Beginning Of It