Hindi marunong manamit✔ May Brace✔ Magulo ang buhok✔ Parating may Libro✔ May malaking bilog na Salamin✔ . . . . . . .what if u bullied a person who not a Nerd or like a said she is a pretending a Nerd and she not a week she's a.... . . . . . STRONG MERCILES COLD HAVE A RED EYES HAVE A RED HAIR SHE LIKE'S BLOOD SHE'S A DEMON... . . . . AND A GANGSTER QUEEN of all a gangster world and her group called a DARK DEMON GANG so dont u dare to messing her she can KILLIED u one's she touch u so better back off if u love ur live's... . . . . . . to be a Gangster Queen is not easily because every tym,every where u are u have a enemies to want u to bring down and one of them to become a Queen and u to become a slave because if u are a QUEEN they serve u and they respect u... Dont forget to VOTE & COMMENT guys..hahaha and don't expect a unexpected haha read before JUDGE ME...(mataray c Author kya wag subukan magalit haha kidding lng😂) @MISSKYUTT👑All Rights Reserved