So I had this idea
Each night, I aim to write 500 words of a story. One for a series or a one-shot, fanfic, and original tale, it doesn't matter. But I lose my enthusiasm after a couple of nights. So, instead, I am doing this. Feel free to join me, do your own, or whatever.
Each night I am going to write a 500-ish word story. Once I'm done, I post it on tumblr. Minimal editing, just post it and go on to the next thing.
I'm calling it "A Month of Stories" and I'm doing it for 31 days.
I'm not gonna wait till the start of next month, I'm just gonna start now.
Sometimes it might be one story across multiple days, or I might miss a day and the next day, the story will be 1000-ish words.
Some will be fanfic, some will be original fics. And it will be across a range of Genres and Fandoms.
I hope you enjoy!