OK while I stared playing the drums when I was 8 .and then my mom said do want to sing and I said yeah. so when I had move from troy Alabama I will sing so when we came to Georgia and do all of work and then when I pass to go to a higher grade 5 and I ask my music teacher to let me be in chorus and she said yeah so then on Facebook people ask me to sing so I did when I was your man and people will at to me its a god gift and she sings like he mom .... no I don't I sing better then her and I had got a called from my cousin and she said I love music you sing .hey every one go to YouTube.com OK and the go to Ms.lex OK she while have a white T-shirt on . and if you like to dace and it will tell you OK back to the book when I sing it make me feel happy and so free to do what ever. I love music a lot music is my life if had to pick what t do in life I while be saAll Rights Reserved
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