The story follows Jamal King, a 21-year-old brother living in Bayview, a gritty town in California that is plagued by violence, drugs, and gang activities. Jamal is a talented rapper and songwriter, but his skills go unappreciated by the gang he is a part of, the 84th Crowned Disciples, who dismiss his dreams of making it as an artist as just another wannabe rapper. He's tired of being held back and wants to make a better life for his young daughter, Aria.
However, leaving the gang is easier said than done, and Jamal soon finds himself in a dangerous game that leaves him having a huge target on his back. His former associates don't take kindly to his departure and to make matters worse, Jamal's older brother was the former head seat of the gang, but he left the life behind, leaving Jamal to face the consequences. Now, Jamal is determined to protect Aria from the dangers of the streets and use his love for music as his ticket to find "A Way Out". But with his criminal past hanging over his head, Jamal can't get a regular job and must rely solely on his musical talent to pave the way to a better future.
Jamal must navigate the dangerous and cutthroat world where survival is a ruthless game, meeting new faces that could potentially aid him or take advantage of his situation while protecting his daughter from the haunting consequences of his past decisions. As he strives for a better life, tough choices emerges, with the potential to either advance or to destroy his chances of success. Jamal's knowledge and talent become crucial as he stays one step ahead, adapting to the challenges of both his new life as a father and the relentless pursuit of his music.
Ella is falling apart trying to live a "perfect" high school life. Then she meets Ren, who can see past her scars. Suddenly perfection isn't her only option.
Ella Volkov is a gifted music student, but she's depressed and starting to crack under the pressure of high school. Her overbearing father won't even let her choose what instrument she plays. Then she finds herself alone at a party with Ren, her best friend's crush. She'd always thought he was rude, but after that night he's all Ella can think about. Now she's trapped. If Ella dates Ren, it will ruin her friendship with Jenny. But if she stays true to Jenny, she's losing the one person who can see past her scars. It's up to Ella to decide if she will forge her own path, or stay in the "perfect" box designed for her...
Content and/or Trigger Warning: depression, anxiety, self-harm, violence, sexual assault.
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