There's like no content for this ship, so I decided to provide. Set in an alternate universe where Drew and Danny are together. DISCLAIMER just in case: This is just for funsies and I don't mean to discredit Drew's and Danny's wives or relationships by any means. I realize that they are friends and what I'm writing is purely fictional. I ship it as a bromance, as a crack ship. The perfectionist in me just doesn't let me do a crack fic, but I felt the need to create something for this ship. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable, but you're reading this at your own will and risk. I do not own Drew or Danny. English is not my first language, so please let me know if there's any mistakes, I'm using something wrong or something just sounds odd to you. Feedback is welcome, but please be nice since I'm sensitive and WILL cry. A sidenote: This is the first smut I've ever written, so sorry if it sucks. Also, did I proofread this? The answer is no. This fic can also be found on my ao3 under the same name. Anyways, enjoy!All Rights Reserved