A Realm of Gods and Men is an ambitious personal fanfiction series purely for personal enjoyment and non-commercial sharing of imaginations and ideas regarding George R R Martin's fictional world of ice and fire chronicles following the end of the TV series Game of Thrones. This is non-commercial, content published will be open to view and download without any royalty at all. Anybody wanting to derive their own work, regardless commercial or free, based on the fanfiction are welcome to do so as long as they do not violate or infringe copyright claims from George R R Martin or HBO. No royalty, donation or gift is needed.
Just like a TV series, it will have seasons, episodes and multiple character stories running parallel in each episodes. While the fanfiction series is named A realm of Gods and Men, the first season of the series will be titled A Chronicle of Smoke and Salt.
The series will contain several journeys. It includes the journals of Arya Stark, who set for the adventure to find land West of Westeros similar to the historical Elisa. Of Jon Snow, who travels beyond the wall to map the Lands of Always Winter. Of Sansa Stark, who begins her rule of the North as Queen and tries to solve problems of North alone. Of Brandon Stark, the three eyed raven, King of Westeros and Lord of Six Kingdoms, on his adaptation and attempts for a wise rule of Westeros. And of Daenerys Targaryen, a dead queen on flight with her child dragon Drogon who is searching for ambrosia or revival of his lost mother. Additional characters we will encounter from the original game of thrones series will include Grey Worm and the Unsullieds, Dothrakis, Daario Naharis and the second son guarding the Dragon's Bay, the Red Priests at Volantis, Jaqen H'ghar and the faceless men of House of Black and White, Iron Bank officials and finally, legendary lands of Asshai, Yi Ti, Sothoryos as well as lands yet to explore.
This is the prequel to the large plan of works that take the marvelous works of Mr. George R. R. Martin and turns them on their head. To see the plans for the entire works I have a description on my profile of the plan for the entire thing.
"Cersei. She will be my wife. You are my sister. Anything that happened between us before will never happen again. I am loyal to her. You will always be my sister, but that is all you will ever be."
"This was not the plan Jaime! You are mine! From birth! You were meant to follow me to King's Landing where you would protect me, and be with me, and love me!"
"Yes. That was the plan. Past tense Cersei. What did you want me to do? Disobey father? For what? So I could go to King's Landing and follow your future husband around like a guard dog and wait around until you decided you wanted me? No. I want this. I want her. She is my future. I am hers."
#1 in #tyrionlannister 12/6/18
Also, PSA: The mature rating is just a safety precaution, as obviously this is a Game of Thrones fan fiction there will be strong language and possible sexual situations, however there will be no explicit writings.
This is not a slow burn like I would like, simply because of the situation they are in, and it doesn't work that way sometimes.