Happy, Joyful, these are things people should be, So they say. To me it shouldn't matter what the hell anyone else says. I do what I want, when I want. But some times something or someone happens in your life and changes your whole world. Carter did that for me, he made me believe that things weren't what they seemed, that people shouldn't influence you to do things you don't want to. Of course it was a bunch of bullshit. This world that we live in is what we want to see. As soon as we come into this world we see the world for what we want to see the rest of our long ass lives. But life's to short to never fall in love, even though there's this thing called a heart, sometimes it falls to hard, sometimes it just doesn't listen to what you want. Carter was my life he was my world, he taught me how to love without instruction. He was a bastard but he was my bastard. See this story is my story. It's not sad it's not happy it's normal. Haha that's bullshit. But I cannot hide.